Finally! Popular high-street brand Zara is coming to Auckland
Tue Dec 15 2015
by Isabelle Truman

Say goodbye to all your hard earned cash because international retail giant
Zara is headed for Auckland next year. After years of rumors of the move it's finally been confirmed that Zara will be opening its doors to New Zealand customers in Sylvia Park Auckland at the perfect time for Christmas shopping in 2016 - no more travelling to Australia, Europe and the United States to get your fix of the Spanish High Street retailer!
Although the details around the launch have been kept on the down-low there has been speculation that the stores pricing will be similar to its other international branches and will be offering the full Zara range. Rather exciting news for us fashion lovers especially as Zara will be opening at a similar time to H&M - another huge high-street brand. First Topshop, now Zara, and H&M - who will be trying out the New Zealand market next?
Words by Sophia Doak