remix round up: auckland arts festival
Wed Feb 20 2013
by Steven Fernandez

By Flora Cheng
The Auckland Arts Festival is just around the corner with a stellar line-up of opportunities, programmes and performance events by renowned national and international artists on the agenda. With over 100 events planned for 30 different locations and venues across Auckland REMIX has put together a round-up of what’s happening to give you a taste of what’s on the menu at the massive visual arts extravaganza that is the Auckland Arts Festival 2013. For the full line up check out
6 – 24 March: Fly Me Up To Where You Are & Fly Me Up To Where You Are: Te Waharoa, Daily, FREE
Designed by local contemporary artist Tiffany Singh
Fly Me Up To Where You Are is a spectacular technicolour installation project comprised of hundreds of Tibetan-style dream flags that will adorn Aotea Square. The flags represent the hopes and voices of the Auckland school children who designed them and Singh is globally known for her signature of working directly with specific communities before turning their works into masterpieces. Her other exhibition
Fly Me Up To Where You Are: Te Waharoa is collaboration with artist and filmmaker Robert George. The Artstation in Ponsonby will be transformed by the talented duo into a space for contemplation and creation. It will also be a place for the audience to understand the process and work behind the scenes in creating
Fly Me Up To Where you Are through George’s stunning and thoughtful photography and film. The audience are also invited to create a flag including their own message to be added to the final installation of flags at Aotea Square.
6 – 24 March: When The Gods Came Down To Earth, 24hours, FREE
Aotea Square will also be the backdrop for filmmaker and artist Srinivas Krishna’s stunning and innovative video work
When the Gods Came Down To Earth. Using populist imagery known as ‘Calendar Art’ and classical dancers Krishna will be bringing to life iconic spiritual images from Indian mythology whilst also giving them a contemporary twist. Combined with luscious and opulent visual effects
When The Gods Came Down To Earth is not one to be missed.
6 – 24 March: Cantina, Times Vary, From $59
The dark chocolate of cabaret
Cantina will indulge all your hearts desires. This little bit naughty and a little bit nice 1930s themed cabaret circus is an intoxicating spectacle of skill and talent. Drawing a fine line between pleasure and pain, brashness and timidity
Cantina is one dangerous and sensual circus that will definitely delight both sexes.
7 – 9 March: The Breath of the Volcano, Gates Open 6:45pm, GA Child $10 GA Adult $28 Gate Sales $33
The unforgettable brilliance that is Groupe F is bringing to the Auckland Domain a series of three major pyrotechnic displays titled
The Breath of the Volcano. The Auckland Museum will be the backdrop for this specially created performance that is inspired by the hills of Auckland, the wondrous New Zealand landscape and symbols from the sea, land and air. Pack a picnic and bring the family to the Auckland Arts Festival’s Opening Ceremony and enjoy the fiery and spectacular show that is
The Breath of the Volcano.
13 – 17 March: Urban, Times Vary, From $35
Join the street-wise and spunky Circolombia as they bring to you
Urban a revolutionary circus experience. Filled with incredible, breath-taking aerobatics and stunts you will be gripping the edge of your seat as the performers tumble, somersault, fly, jump and breakdance their way across the stage against a soundtrack of Latin-American inspired reggae and hip-hop. With sold out runs in London, Paris and the stage of Broadway
Urban will immerse you into the sights and sounds of the Cali streets.
16 March: White Night, 6pm-Midnight, FREE
After a successful run in 2011
White Night the brilliant, visual arts night of nights is back. For one spellbinding and spectacular night over 50 museums and galleries across Auckland will open their doors and will have art projects and performers spill out onto the streets between 6pm and midnight. Take a trip to places you have never been before on the free buses that will be following the curves of Auckland’s streets to its creative haunts. Divulge in the cultural and artistic secrets of
White Night and discover the magic of this city-wide living gallery.